To ensure and strengthen a broad variety of perspectives, we invited several partners to cooperate in the organisation of the conference. We are grateful to our partners for organising their respective panels, as well as for their financial support.
Our partners are:
Academy for European Human Rights Protection at the University of Cologne
The Academy for European Human Rights Protection under the direction of Prof. Dr. DDr. h.c. Angelika Nußberger, MA, is the academic centre for research in the field of human rights at the Faculty of Law at the University of Cologne. The Academy deals with topics such as European and international human rights protection, public international law, constitutional law, comparative law, and Eastern European and Southeastern European law. The central concern of the Academy for European Human Rights Protection, which has been inaugurated in autumn 2022, is to reflect in research and teaching the importance that jurisprudence on human rights has gained in recent years while also building a bridge to practice.
Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research at the University of Sussex
Since launching in August 2015, the Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research has fostered a vibrant research culture in human rights and related areas within and beyond Sussex Law School. The Centre's work has a global as well as national focus and its members engage with policy and practice as well as theory, adopting a range of legal, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary approaches to human rights research. In addition to offering a programme of events focusing on research and knowledge exchange, the LLM in International Human Rights Law is linked to the Centre, the Centre hosts the sector-leading Human Rights Law Clinic, and a vibrant community of doctoral researchers.
Centre for Human Rights (CHR) at Birmingham City University
The Centre for Human Rights (CHR) at Birmingham City University promotes the protection of human rights, access to justice and the rule of law, around the world. CHR undertakes advisory roles in the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe, the African Union, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations region. CHR also provides consultancy services to governments and nongovernmental organisations, and in selected individual cases drafts legal opinions and files legal briefs in domestic courts and in international human rights courts. The work from the CHR significantly informs the School of Law’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) submission, in providing key publications, and for contributing to the School’s case studies. CHR has also created high-level human rights simulated exercises, including a UN Security Council “Model United Nations,” to contribute to the School of Law’s submission in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). In its work with international organisations, governments, and nongovernmental organisations, the Centre engages effective and efficient processes to further the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF).
Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI) of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is an independent academic institution, closely linked to the Lund University. RWI was established in 1984, in Sweden. It operates in seven countries, covering most regions in the world. Its mission is to promote a wider understanding of, and respect for, human rights and international humanitarian law. The Institute combines multi-disciplinary human rights research with education and support to practitioners to advance the practical application of human rights and humanitarian law. The four thematic priority areas of RWI are: non-discrimination & inclusion, access to justice, human rights & the environment, and business & human rights.
The University of Lausanne (UNIL) is a higher teaching and research institution composed of seven faculties with approximately 17,100 students and about 4,400 research, teaching and technical staff. Its research activities focus on three main themes: human and social sciences, life sciences and medicine, and environmental sciences. UNIL lays great store by the quality and innovation of its teaching. This is characterised by a highly interdisciplinary approach which is even reflected in the organisation of its faculties.
Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria
The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, is an internationally recognised university-based institution combining academic excellence and effective activism to advance human rights, particularly in Africa. It aims to contribute to advancing human rights, through education, research and advocacy. The Centre for Human Rights hosts a number of Research Units whose main objectives are to do research in their prospective fields. Most Units have a short course, a clinical group and a resource database linked to the Unit. Focus areas include freedom of expression and access to information, business and human rights, children's rights, disability rights, women's rights, litigation, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics and Freedom from Violence.
Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI)
The Association of Human Rights Institutes (AHRI) is a network of over 80 (and growing) member institutes that carries out research and educational activities in the field of human rights. Member institutes come from more than 30 different countries, covering all continents. The aim of AHRI is to bring together human rights researchers from different disciplines, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and collaboration, and promote research, education, and debate in the field of human rights. The AHRI supports doctoral researchers and promotes exchange between the various member institutes. Prof Dr Michael Lysander Fremuth is currently a member of the Executive Board.
Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN)
The Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nuremberg (CHREN) is an association of scholars from various faculties and disciplines at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. The centre conducts theoretical and practice-oriented research to further a culture of human rights regionally, nationally, and internationally. Research interests include, among others, refugee and migration law, freedom of religion and belief, business and human rights, the human rights dimension of medicine law, gender identity and sexual orientation, and law of armed conflict. In addition, it advises various institutions at the local, national, and international level, as well as civil society organisations. CHREN regularly cooperates with other research institutions, domestically and abroad, but also international organisations and NGOs.
Austrian Human Rights Institute
The Austrian Institute for Human Rights (ÖIM) is a centre of the University of Salzburg and stands for the scientifically based dissemination of human rights in German-speaking countries. ÖIM was founded in 1987 on the recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. The main tasks of the Institute encompass, among others, the dissemination and promotion of the idea of human rights, the documentation and dissemination of the jurisprudence of European, international and Austrian courts and tribunals in the field of fundamental and human rights, the documentation of the relevant literature, as well as research and publications in the field of human rights, and education and training on human rights, human rights trainings. Furthermore, the Institute conducts human rights training and education for various institutions (e.g. Federal Ministry of Justice, Federal Ministry of the Interior, teacher training colleges, city administrations, etc).
The European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy at the University of Graz (UNI-ETC) was established in 2009 as an Austrian university's first competence centre for human rights. Located at the Faculty of Law of the University of Graz and in the Human Rights City Graz, it is active in interdisciplinary research, teaching and science-to-public activities in human rights. The Centre is a clearing-house for human rights at the University of Graz, hosts the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security and cooperates with the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO in Graz. The Centre undertakes research in human rights and human rights education, the nexus of the European Union and human rights, globalisation, South-East Europe, democratisation, human rights at the local level and migration and asylum law.
United Nations Refugee Agency Austria (UNHCR Austria)
Shortly after UNHCR began work in Geneva in 1951, an office was also opened in Austria. Today, UNHCR has two offices in Vienna: The national office and the liaison office to the OSCE and other Vienna-based UN agencies. The focus of UNHCR activities at the national office in Austria - as in other European countries - is on legal protection for recognized refugees, holders of subsidiary protection, asylum seekers, and stateless persons. This includes monitoring country laws, reception and integration conditions as well as advocating for persons under UNHCR's mandate with authorities and relevant stakeholders. The office regularly organises public information and awareness-raising activities, with a strong focus on educating young people on refugee issues.
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
As an independent centre of reference and excellence for the promotion and protection of human rights in the European Union (EU), the Agency contributes to the promotion and protection of fundamental rights, including non-discrimination on the grounds of age, disability or ethnic origin, the protection of personal data and access to justice, for all people living in the EU. The Agency works with local and international stakeholders and shares evidence-based insights and expert advice with policy- and decision-makers. To help secure the rights, values, and freedoms enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Agency collects and analyses legal information and other data, makes recommendations, identifies trends, contributes to better legislation and implementation, and supports rights-compliant policies.
Centre for Human Rights of the University of Potsdam (MRZ)
The Centre for Human Rights of the University of Potsdam (MRZ) was founded in 1994 and is one of the key research institutes of the University of Potsdam. It promotes interdisciplinary research and teaching, and offers policy advice on human rights issues. Prof. Dr. Andreas Zimmermann, LL.M. (Harvard), holder of the Chair of Public Law, in particular Constitutional Law, European, and International Law as well as European Economic Law and International Economic Law and Prof. Dr. Logi Gunnarsson, holder of the Chair of Ethics/Aesthetics at the Department of Philosophy, have been directors of the MRZ since 2010 and 2011 respectively. The MRZ regularly holds conferences and publishes regularly in the field of human rights.
German Institute for Human Rights
The German Institute for Human Rights is Germany's independent national human rights institution. It ensures that Germany upholds and promotes human rights dom and abroad. The Institute also accompanies and monitors the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and has established corresponding monitoring bodies for this purpose. The Institute is committed only to human rights and is politically independent. Since 2015, the 'Law on the Legal Status and Tasks of the German Institute for Human Rights' has regulated the legal status, tasks, and funding of the Institute. As a non-profit association, it is financed by the German Bundestag and - for individual projects - by third-party funds. The Institute sees itself as a forum for exchange between the state and civil society, academia and practice, national and international organisations and institutions. It works closely with the human rights bodies of the UN, the Council of Europe, and the European Union.
Austrian Ombudsman Board (Volksanwaltschaft)
The Ombudsman Board is one of the 'supreme organs' of the Republic of Austria and has been monitoring the public administration on the basis of the Federal Constitution since 1977. Since July 1, 2012, the Ombudsman Board has had the constitutional mandate to protect and promote the observance of human rights as a National Preventive Mechanism under a mandate from the United Nations. The Ombudsman Board monitors institutions where personal freedom may be deprived or restricted, such as prisons or nursing homes. The control also extends to facilities and programs for persons with disabilities.
Austrian League for Human Rights
The Austrian League for Human Rights was founded in 1926 and is thus the longest existing human rights organization in Austria. It is committed to the implementation and observance of human rights and tries to cover thematically the entire diversity of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It pays special attention to the situation in Austria and the European Union. Important aspects of their work are informing, sensitizing, networking, and serving as a contact point for individual questions. As a monitoring NGO, its most important instrument is the Human Rights Report, which is published annually on December 10, Human Rights Day. It deals with the current human rights situation in Austria.